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2021考研英语词汇备考:block是什么意思及用法 block是什么意思及用法 可数名词: 1.大块;大块木料(或石料、金属、冰等);[blocks](儿童...


block是什么意思及用法 可数名词: 1.大块;大块木料(或石料、金属、冰等);[blocks](儿童玩的)积木 2.阻碍行动的一伙人;障碍(物),阻塞(物);阻塞交通的车辆;(对于做某事或学习某种技能的)无能;【体】阻挡 3.街区;街段;铁路区段,区域;(戏院、音乐厅等的)座位划区 4.一排房屋;单元楼;(附有各种商店的)大厦,大楼 5.(澳洲等地政府分给移民的)一片土地;大面积的地 6.一组,一批;【计】一组数据,信息组;大量,大宗;(装订起来供写字或画图的)一叠纸;(供集邮的)一组4张(或4张以上)呈长方形的联张邮票,四方联 7.集团 8.砧板;铁砧 9.(斩首时用的)垫头木 10.【俚】头,脑袋 11.拍卖台 12.滑轮,滑车;滑轮组 13.模;帽模;木(或金属)印板 14.(建筑用的)凹砖,空心砖 15.【医】(心、神经等传导的)阻滞,阻塞 16.傻瓜,笨蛋 及物动词: 1.堵塞,阻塞;遮挡;封锁;【体】阻挡 2.阻碍,妨碍 3.用模具使(帽等)成形;(用木块或石块等)支撑 4.【医】(尤指注射麻醉针之后)阻塞 5.【英】宣布反对(或延缓)(议案)通过 6.使(两行或两行以上的字行)在左首(或右首)齐头排 7.【板】用球棒挡(球) 8.限制兑换(货币、外币等);禁止动用,冻结(资金) 9.使成块 10.【铁】用闭塞制管理(列车) 11.为(戏剧)设计演员的位置和动作 12.【篮】盖...的帽 不及物动词: 1.【体】阻塞 2.阻塞 a. 1.大块的;整批的 2.城市交通堵塞的 3.(速记时)行首不缩进的,行首不空格的 词形变化 名称 blocker 时态 blocked,blocking,blocks 单词分析 这些动词均含有“阻止、阻塞”之意。 block语气强烈,指有效堵住了通道,使人或物无法通过。


hinder语气较轻,多指阻碍、拖延人或事,强调使进展速度缓慢下来。 obstruct正式用词,语气强,多指以干扰或设置障碍的方式阻碍交通,使不能自由畅通。 prevent含义广泛,指采取预防措施或设置障碍去阻止某人或某事。 hamper侧重因受到约束或阻碍而造成的行动困难。

英语解释 hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of run on a block system render unsuitable for passage an obstruction in a pipe or tube the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements be unable to remember block passage through prohibit the conversion or use of (assets) a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension obstruct stop from happening or developing shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball) support, secure, or raise with a block shape by using a block interfere with or prevent the reception of signals a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides shape into a block or blocks a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope housing in a large building that is divided into separate units a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine a platform from which an auctioneer sells a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides) 例句 The key to this riddle appeal to be plasmids, which can block phage adsorption. 这个难题的关键是质粒,它能够阻碍噬菌体的吸附作用。 The drug blocks receptors on cancer cells that normally bind with estrogen, and thereby prevents estrogen from stimulating tumors to grow 该药能阻滞癌细胞上的受体,正常情况下,这些受体与雌激素相连,因此这种药能阻止雌激素刺激肿瘤的生长。 While working with cocaine for nerve block anesthesia, he and some of his associates became addicted 在研究可卡因用于神经阻滞麻醉的过程中,他和部分助手染上了药瘾。

Go that way for two blocks, then turn left. 朝那边走两排房子,然后向左转。 Clear;not blocked;unrestricted 通畅的;无阻碍的;不受限制的;不受约束的 "Once people have studied and become financially literate, they may still face roadblocks to becoming financially independent. " 人们经过学习,掌握了财务知识,但在通向财务自由的道路上仍面临着许多障碍。 See minnesota v. Block, 660 F.2d 1240 (8th Cir.1981) 参见“明尼苏达州诉布洛克”[1981年《联邦判例汇编》第2集第660卷第1240页(第八巡回法庭)]一案 No, it's two blocks farther east. 不,公车站是在饭店向东二条街的地方。

"In the block of flats where I live, my Malay and Indian neighbours would greet me and sometimes we even communicate by sign language." 在我所住的组屋区,无论马来人还是印族人,都会主动与我打招呼表示友好,有时还做出各种手势相互沟通。 beta blockers, especially those used to treat glaucoma β阻断剂,尤其是那些用于治疗青光眼的药物。


1巴(bar)=100千帕(kPa)=10牛顿/平方厘米(N/cm)=0.1MPa应用:The output of active support system controller is current between 4~20 ma; 4ma is proportional to 0.2 bar and 20 ma is proportional to 1 bar pressure at the output of the I/P converter.1毫巴(mbar)=0.001巴(bar)=100帕(Pa)巴(bar)是压强的单位,早先气象学中常用毫巴,后改用等值的国际单位百帕。1帕=1N/m.在工程上仍在沿用公斤力这个单位,1公斤力等于9.80665牛顿,由此得出:1公斤力/平方厘米=0.967841大气压=98066.5帕斯卡=1个工程大气压毫米汞柱也是一种常用的压强单位,由1毫米汞柱产生的压力定义的压强单位为托(Torr)。


一、英文Bra的意思 bra是一个英文缩写,指的是纯棉文胸,带有法国蕾丝花边的,一般里面是有钢圈的,对承托起胸部和美观很有效。女性的束胸衣借用了这一词汇而已。


后来演变为欧洲军队的护胸铠甲。 二、英文Bar的意思 1、bar有多种含义,作为专有名词指的是雷达波的一次扫描,另外还可以指压强单位、场所昵称、枪械简称、函数名、字根词源等。 2、bar释义为条纹;酒吧;除非;封锁。复数形式为bars。

可以作为名词、缩略词、介词和动词 。 扩展资料 类似容易混淆的英文单词如下: 一、quite与quiet 1、quite是一个英语单词,意思是非常; 相当,很;确实如此。 2、quiet,英语词汇,为形容词、名词,形容词主要意思有安静的、轻声的、沉默的、宁静的、安定的、秘密的等;名词主要意思有安静、和平、安宁等。

二、 affect与effect 1、affect,英语四级词汇,考研必备词汇。vt. 影响;感染;感动;假装。vi. 倾向;喜欢。

n. 情感;引起感情的因素。 2、effect,n.效果;影响;;印象; 所有物,vt.使发生;引起; 产生(效果)。 三、pray与prey 1、pray是一个英文单词,动词译为祈祷,祷告, 请求,恳求,央求。


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