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考研的词汇有哪些 550 考研四字成语 1. 四字成语 人定胜天 《逸周书·文传》:“人强胜天。” 宋·刘过《襄阳歌》:“人定兮胜天,半壁久无胡日月。...




1. 四字成语 人定胜天 《逸周书·文传》:“人强胜天。” 宋·刘过《襄阳歌》:“人定兮胜天,半壁久无胡日月。


指人力能够战胜自然。 有志者事竟成 《后汉书·耿弇传》:“将军前在南阳,建此大策,常以为落落难合,有志者事竟成也。” 只要有决心,有毅力,事情终究会成功。 百尺竿头,更进一步 佛家语,比喻道行、造诣虽深,仍需修炼提高。

比喻虽已达到很高的境地,但不能满足,还要进一步努力。宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十:“师示一偈曰:‘百丈竿头不动人,虽然得入未为真,百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。 ’ 闻鸡起舞 《晋书·祖逖传》:“中夜闻荒鸡鸣,蹴琨觉,曰:‘此非恶声也。

” 听到鸡叫就起来舞剑。后比喻有志报国的人及时奋起。

白手起家 一切靠自己艰苦奋斗,创立了一番事业。 卷土重来 人马奔跑时卷起的尘土。 形容失败后组织力量,重图恢复。

晨钟暮鼓 古代佛寺中晨敲钟,暮击鼓以报时,用以使人惊悟的言论。 破釜沉舟 比喻行事果决,抱持著只往前看而不回头的决心。 投笔从戎 《后汉书·班超传》:“大丈夫无他志略,犹当效傅介子,张骞立功异域,以取封侯,安能久事笔砚间乎?”从戎:从军,参军。 扔掉笔去参军。

指文人从军 金石为开 汉·刘向《新序·杂事四》:“熊渠子见其诚心,而金石为之开,况人心乎?”金石:金属和石头,比喻最坚硬的东西。 连金石都被打开了。形容一个人心诚志坚,力量无穷。 勤能补拙 宋·邵雍《弄笔吟》:“弄假像真终是假,将勤补拙总轮勤。

”勤奋能够弥补不足。 人定胜天 比喻人力可以战胜自然。 有志竟成 有坚定的志向,只要努力从事,一定可以成功的意思。 良药苦口 能治病的好药,味苦难吃。

比喻直言劝戒批评的话,虽然听起来不舒服,但对人却是有益的。 悬梁刺股 形容刻苦学习。西汉·刘向《战国策·秦策一》:“(苏秦)读书欲睡,引锥自刺其股,血流至足。

” 东汉·班固《汉书》:“孙敬字文宝,好学,晨夕不休。及至眠睡疲寝,以绳系头,悬屋梁。” 问心无愧 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十二回:“就是将来外面有点风声,好在这钱不是老爷自己得的,自可以问心无愧。

”问心:问问自己。 扪心自问,毫无愧色。 志在四方 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第二十五回:“妾闻‘男子志在四方’。 君壮年不出图仕,乃区区守妻子坐困乎?” 四方:天下。

有远大的抱负和理想。 磨杵作针 杵:舂米或捶衣用的棒。将铁棒磨成细针。

比喻只要有恒心,肯努力,做任何事情都能成功。宋·祝穆《方舆胜览·眉州·磨针溪》:“在象耳山下,世传李太白读书山中,未成弃去,过是溪,逢老媪方磨铁杵,问之,曰:‘欲作针’太白感其意还,卒业。” 前车之鉴 《荀子·成相》:“前车已覆,后未知更何觉时!”汉·刘向《说苑·善说》:“前车覆,后车戒。”鉴:镜子,为教训。

前面车子翻倒的教训。比喻先前的失败,可以做为以后的教训。 大器晚成 有本事的人,要经过磨练,到晚年才成功。

用以形容才器大者立业迟。 卧薪尝胆 薪:柴草。�。


考研英语写作热点词汇及句型一、热点词汇welfare n.福利、幸福 security n.安全 punishment n.惩罚 dishonest adj.不诚实的goal n.目的、目标 benefit: n.利益,好处 viewpoint: n.观点 quality: n.质量、品质healthy development: n.健康成长 population explosion: n.人口爆炸 utilize: vt.利用traditional virtue: n.传统美德 competition: n.竞争 knowledge: n.知识 skill: n.技能advantage: n.优势 cooperation: n.合作 sympathy: n.同情 false: adj.错误的、虚假的attract: vt..吸引 influence: n.影响 impact: n. 影响 technology: n.技术 education: n.教育 experience: n.经验 fund: n.资金 blueprint: n.蓝图、计划 purpose: n.目的、意图 resource: n.资源 environment: n.环境 wildlife: n.野生动植物 appearance: n.外表 inner quality: n.内在品质 material wealth: n.物质财富 moral standards: n.道德标准behavior: n.行为 responsibility: n.责任 privacy: n.隐私 equipment: n.设备foothold: n.立足处 difficulty: n.困难 challenge: n.挑战 psychological: adj.心理上的defeat: n.失败 victory: n.胜利 courage: n.勇气 determination: n.决心 persistence: n.坚持 effort: n.努力 confidence: n.自信 fake and inferior: n.假冒伪略产品misconception: n.误解 nourishment: n.营养品 pressure: n.压力 diligent: n.勤勉的二、热点句型1.If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, exert efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you.如果你想取得成就或实现你的雄心壮志,就必须努力工作,艰苦奋斗,作好准备。负责,即使机遇来临你也无法利用。

2.Today an increasing number of people have realized that legal education is of great importance. In order to keep public order, everyone of us is supposed to get legal education.现在,愈来愈多的人认识到了法制教育的重要性。

为了海文考研钻石卡维护公共秩序,我们每个人都应接受法制教育。3.Many things contribute to success. Of all these factors, willpower, courage, and confidence are the most important. 能否获得成功取决于许多因素,最重要的是坚强的意志、勇气和自信。4.The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。5.To survive and succeed in the 21st century, the cross-century talents should have good education backgrounds. 要在21世纪里不被淘汰且有所成就,垮世纪人才应该是受过良好教育的人。

6. Computers are playing a very important role in our life. With the help of computers, workers can produce more products, scientists can do research work more efficiently, and students can get information more quickly. 计算机在我们生活的各个方面都起着重要作用。有了计算机的帮助,工人可以生产更多的产品,科学家可以更高效地做研究,学生可以更快的查到信息。7.An investigation shows that female workers tend to have favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。

8.At the same time, young people should be encouraged to communicate with their peers and develop their interpersonal skills, which may help them greatly to reduce dependence on their parents and are essential in maintenance of healthy mental condition.同时,应鼓励年轻人和他们的同龄人交往,发展他们的交际能力,这将帮助他们极大地减少对父母的依赖并且保持健康的精神状态。9.常用的写作句型套路:1)定义法Honesty refers to the quality of a person who tells the truth and works without cheating. Honesty is regarded as the most important virtue admired everywhere.诚实指人们讲真话、在工作中不欺诈的品质。诚实被认为是2014考研无时无地都受到尊敬的美德。

2)对比法Those who oppose this phenomenon argue that it brings a great burden and pressure to the family, and for students they cannot adapt to the new culture very quickly. But people who are in favor of such behavior maintain that children will be more competitive and well repaid in the future life. 反对这一现象的人认为它给家庭带来了巨大的负担和压力,对学生而言他们不能很快地适应新文化。但是赞成这一行为的人认为孩子在未来会更具有竞争力并得到回报。3)There be 结构There is no sense in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people.把重要的决定留给没经验的人去做作是毫无道理的。

4)It结构It is certain that fresh air and exercises are more valuable than medicine.毫无疑问的是呼吸新鲜的空气和锻炼比吃药很可贵。5)表示结果Too much work and too little rest may lead to loss of heath.过度工作,极少休息会损害健康。6)表条件Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, her chance of getting the job is slim.没有文凭,没有教学经验,她得到这份工作的机会微乎其微。10.Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in the job market.成千上万的人们不得不花费更多的精力和时间学习新的技术和大学考研知识,以使自己在就业市场保持优势。



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